Caves Ouvertes 2018 Day Trip – Registrations open

Free Guided Day tour to the most famous wine event in town, organized by Wines and Tapas, and Swiss Photo Club. Learn about wines from the experts and practice your photography with your instructors! Register at Swiss Photo Club website. Photos from previous year here.
W&T End of Summer After-work 30 September
Join us on Friday 30 September at the Riverside Cafe for another summertime Wine & Tapas party. Let’s enjoy the end of summer 🙂 ~~~~~~~~ · We will have a large outdoor area and have negotiated special reduced prices on wine and champagne all night! · Tapas will be free during the first hour. A food menu […]
Caves Ouvertes Day Trip 2016 Registrations online!
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”2800″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Yes, it’s already that time of the year – the next Caves Ouvertes event is on May 28 Saturday, and just like last years, we have arranged you a trip covering all the best wineries:) Join us at our traditional day-trip at Caves Ouvertes, to discover the delicious wines from the area. We will […]
W&T 7th year anniversary drinks – Aug 13th
No joke – it’s been already 7 years since the first wines and tapas after work at BDV. Remember going there nervously hoping at least one person would show up to my posting… Thankfully we were 7 people at the end, had a really great night, and the snowball started.. In two years we were […]
Photos from Riverside drinks under extreme heat online!
Thanks for a wonderful evening, it was great to meet you all:) Here are some of the photos, see you at one of the next W&T events! To join one of the future parties, make sure to subscribe to our mailing list. Photos by Altun Photography. Facebook: Google: [embpicasa id=”6167260219295276369″]
Wines & Tapas at Riverside Terrace – Thu Jul 2nd
Join us next Thursday to taste delicious wines & tapas and enjoy outdoors terrace at Riverside CafĂ© – our favourite spot for summer, with a great wine offering and a superb location. You can come alone and / or bring friends – expect to meet friendly english speaking people while you enjoy delicious wine & […]
Photos from W&T Caves Ouvertes 2015
Thanks for a wonderful day, it’s Sunday evening and just recovering:) Here are some of the photos… Subscribe to our newsletter to hear about our next events:) [embpicasa id=”6155104115948946561″]
Les Caves Ouvertes 2015 daytrip
[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]The grand opening of the wine cellars this year is already due end of this month, on May 30th Saturday! This is a big yearly event, with thousands of people attending from all over Switzerland. Join us for our traditional day-trip to the Geneva Countryside, to discover the delicious wines from […]
We have just launched Geneva Photo Club!
After the amazing success of previous trainings (several phone calls, private encouragements, seriously better photos from participants), we have now launched the Geneva Photo Club – providing photography trainings for all levels. Our team so far consists of three professional photographers, each with a huge passion for teaching. We promise to make a change on […]
Introduction to Photography Weekend: Feb 28 – Mar 1
New to photography? Know your way around a camera but your skills need some fine tuning? Our new weekend photography workshop will help guide you through the process – both creative and technical – in image making. We speak your language and understand your challenges. Join us today and benefit from the 33% launch discount.. we […]