Photos from Riverside drinks under extreme heat online!
Thanks for a wonderful evening, it was great to meet you all:) Here are some of the photos, see you at one of the next W&T events! To join one of the future parties, make sure to subscribe to our mailing list. Photos by Altun Photography. Facebook: Google: [embpicasa id=”6167260219295276369″]
Photos from W&T Caves Ouvertes 2015
Thanks for a wonderful day, it’s Sunday evening and just recovering:) Here are some of the photos… Subscribe to our newsletter to hear about our next events:) [embpicasa id=”6155104115948946561″]
11 Nov Wine Lovers Apero at Rooftop 42 – Photos Online
Thanks for a great night at Rooftop 42, hope you enjoyed our first party there:) The photos are online here, and in Facebook for your spying and tagging pleasure.. See you at the next party! Photos by: Altun Photography
Halloween party – photos online
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Wine Lovers Apero & Salsa Photos online!
Photos online from Sep 17 Wine Lovers’ Apero
Photos are online from the Wine Lovers’ Apero, organized with Thanks for the awesome night:) To hear about the future events, like us on Facebook, or register to the email distribution list. See you all! [print_gllr id=275]
Photos from World Cup Opening Game Drinks
Photos hopefully show how amazing night it’s been, you guys ROCK! To hear about future W&T events, join the W&T Facebook group or signup for the newsletter by filling the form on the right. [print_gllr id=190]
Photos from Wine Tasting at Mambo Club (Apr 2, 2014)
Thanks for such an entertaining night, the photos are now online. See you at the next event:) To hear about future W&T events, join the W&T Facebook group or signup for the newsletter by filling the form on the right. [print_gllr id=163]
Photos from Wines and Tapas at Lola Bar – Mar 6, 2014
The photos from the Mar 6 event are online below, and also on Facebook. It was a great turnout in our first collaboration with and Thanks to all who made it, and we are already working on the next event! To hear about future W&T events, join the W&T Facebook group or signup for the newsletter at [print_gllr […]
W&T Halloween pre-drinks – Photos Online
[print_gllr id=64] Thanks for a great evening! What an amazing show of costumes:) Subscribe to the email distribution list to hear about the future events:)